September 26, 2012
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has founded the most intelligent party all over the world
While visiting Ukraine FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov announced the establishment of the World Chess World Party in Ukraine and it became a real sensation. Kirsan said that in the future the party would gain a political force.
FIDE President designated the task of a new movement: "With the creation of the party we are not going to gain some power in politics. No, our main task is the adaptation of every person, no matter young or old, to real and fulfilling life. It is important to teach the youth to think and be prudent of undertaking their further actions. "
By the way, chess has been already included as a compulsory subject in educational programs of different levels - from pre-school to university in China, USA, Turkey and other countries. In addition this year in March the company "Rosneft" signed an official agreement with FIDE and donated half a million dollars for the development of chess among children and youth in Russia.
Besides the introduction of chess as an optional subject at schools of Kalmykia gave impressive results:
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has founded the most intelligent party all over the world
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From left to right: V. Kolomiets, V. Kovalchuk, K. Ilyumzhinov, O. Savchuk |
Some representatives of mass media who considered parties to be a tool of gaining success in the election, took the news with a pinch of salt. Some of the journalists without any comprehending of the matter decided that a new party was created to protect interests of chess players only. In fact, the core of the problem was more complicated and very interesting.
It was obvious Kirsan Ilyumzhinov dedicated his speech of the establishment of the party to opening the Chess Academy in the town of Rivne, Klesov* region. The beginning of the party's activity began with definite actions. As a rule first of all politicians conduct pompous meetings where they make long and complicated reports concerning their plans for the future. Usually they never undertake some real actions - of course it doesn’t refer to the leading party which participates in governing the country.
A debut of Chess party gained a real success. From the first day of its establishment Chess party created a center of cultural and intellectual development - Chess Academy. More over it was the first time when the establishment of such a high level was not founded in the city but in a small town and FIDE President personally opened it.
According to Ilyumzhinov’s plans Chess Academy will not only be a place for training masters, courses for coaches and referees. Tournaments under the auspices of FIDE will be held there as well. It automatically displays Klesov at the forefront of chess life.
In addition, the Academy won’t only make a small Ukrainian village one of the chess capitals. Its main goal is to promote the increase in the number of intelligent people. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov states that the union of thoughtful, intelligent people and the promotion of intelligent way of life will be one of main goals of the World Chess Party.
From left to right: I. Polishchuk, V. Kolomiets, K. Ilyumzhinov, O. Savchuk |
That’s why the Chess Party doesn’t rush to gain political power preferring to focus on supporting the intellectual development of people, first of all - on the implement of chess into the educational system. Afterwards Kirsan Ilyumzhinov states the increasing number of intellectuals will inevitably make an effect on the living standards of people.
"Everything that is all around the world - war, conflicts, financial and political crises - is happening not because of lack of money, gold, oil or gas, not due to the fact that people are so angry at each other. The reason for that is the state is governed by short-sighted people who come into politics by chance ", - the president of FIDE says having proclaimed the idea of« One Billion Clever People»". And nowadays Ilyumzhinov is promoting it with great energy and enthusiasm.
Today FIDE unites national chess organizations of 177 countries, according to estimates, there are about 600 million fans of this game. By the way, Mr Kirsan is convinced that soon the number of countries in the International Chess Federation will be brought up to two hundred (ie, the International Olympic Committee has the same number of counties).
First application to World Chess Party. From left to right: O. Savchuk, V. Kolomiets, A. Yatsenko, K. Ilyumzhinov |
Certainly, opened in Klesovo Academy will collect, generalize and promote the best world experience in teaching chess. It means that the number of countries where people are seriously interested in chess will increase. And consequently, the objective of increasing the number of chess enthusiasts to one billion no longer seems to be impossible.
But why is it all necessary? A person who is rather far from chess can ask. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov will never stop saying that chess improves the process of thinking and human nature as well.
"Chess is based on the principle: first think then make a move. When little children are taught to play chess a teacher asks them to hide their hands - to sit on them. He says: "If you want to move a pawn, do not take out your hand, think as your pawn can be removed from the desk." Child is involuntarily made to analyze the situation, and if he sees that there is no threat, he makes his hand free and moves some chess piece. Two or three months pass and such a way of behavior is automatically transferred to everyday life ", - the president of FIDE states.
From left to right: O. Savchuk, A. Yatsenko, V. Kolomiets, K. Ilyumzhinov |
"In a year they noticed at schools where children were taught chess discipline and academic performance were improved. When I was five years old I learned to play chess. Chess trained our brains and developed the left and right hemispheres. That’s why Mikhail Botvinnik, World Chess Champion, said that chess was a synthesis of science, culture and sport. Every day Albert Einstein played chess for an hour. He said: "You have to train the muscles of the head." The only way to train the muscles of the head, our brains is to play chess "- Ilyumzhinov shares his experience.
However, the introduction of chess into the educational system is not all. Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has goals allowing to engage adult, accomplished people in the field of chess. So, in July, 2012 he presented Geosocial Games Project as co-author and sponsor along with the leader of the Ukrainian Party "Udar" Vitali Klitschko.
Within the project an internet portal operates and it allows a large number of people from around the world to play chess or other intellectual games together. Moreover, the game can be as an individual (as the program automatically selects out of the set of moves made by participants the most common) and team. It should be noted as a motivation for participants of the game there is the rating system and the prize fund formed at the investors’ expense.
So, step by step but persistently Kirsan Ilyumzhinov realizes his great dream to unite thinking people and increase the number of smart people. The establishment of the World Chess Party is a step forward realizing his dream, the members of the party are not interested in promoting their representatives to authority as their true goal is to protect interests of ordinary people.
First of all it concerns the middle class - those "angry citizens" that are the leading force of mass social protests. The latter was held all around the world last year. Typically, these people are involved in intellectual and creative work and are disgruntled with existing orders all over the world. One can’t make a fool of them retelling them a fairy tale. They are tired with false populist demagogue of unscrupulous politicians.
Chess is a game that requires not only intelligence, but also absolute honesty. In chess you can’t take out of your sleeve the second queen and there are no marked figures. A mediocre politician can treat people who vote for him cynically taking them as "pawns" and for him there is nothing special in sacrificing those people on occasion. In chess even an amateur is aware of all the figures as they are of equal importance and every pawn can eventually become a queen therefore it requires attentive and caring attitude.
In chess there are no winners and losers. At least each player gains precious experience and is intellectually enriched. That is why a loser shakes hands with his counterpart instead of grabbing his throat (figuratively speaking) as it often occurs in politics.
No doubts just transfer of fair principles to political life will remove many of the problems and reduce the threat of various crises and social upheavals. That’s why Kirsan Ilyumzhinov offers to follow the motto in the World Chess Party: "First think then make a move."
Actually any politician should be used to think over the consequences ahead taking into account other people’s interests how useful it is for them. Unfortunately, it’s just a dream. However, maybe competition with united intellectual players will make politicians change their views on life.
Of course, the World Chess Party is open not only for chess players. However, do all members of Gardeners’ society have agricultural education? And how many philatelists are among professional miniature artists? So it concerns the World Chess Party. It’s not necessary to have some achievements in sport and to take part in tournaments. There are professional associations for that aim. If you want to be a member of the World Chess party you should have a desire to make the world just a little better.
Actually, why Ukraine is the first country where Chess party has been found. Citizens of Klesov contacted the FIDE President with the request to assist in the creation of Chess Academy and enthusiastically supported the idea of Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to establish the association of smart people. There is no doubt that further activity of "smart" organization have been calculated for the years ahead and there will be many occasions where World Chess party is mentioned.
Yuri Dan, Moscow
Yuri Dan, Moscow
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