The Geo-Social Games Project is a part of the VIP
Project (Virtual Intellectual Products). VIP is
a mobile ecosystem, geo-social network of a new generation, a specific feature
of which is a large number of services. From a technical point of view it is
interconnected software-hardware blocks and modules, taking advantage of which
a person automatically becomes a member of the geo-social network.
The authors and the coordinators of the Geo-Social
Games Project FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, World Boxing Champion Vitali Klitschko,
chairman of LLC "USIN" Vladimir Kolomiets, and chairman of LLC
"VIPPEYMEN" Oleg Savchuk have developed and applied the principles of
collective intelligence in the game theory. As the result it enables an
unlimited number of people to participate in these games, which have been traditionally
played by two people. The concept of collective move and Geo-Social Games based
on the theory of collective intelligence were introduced.
Due to the fact that in Geo-Social Games the result (the final social index) is formed by the social regulation or, in other words, players influence the formation of this result using strategy, psychology and other individual abilities Geo-Social Games are not relevant to the definition of "gambling" and therefore is not subjected to the Law "On Prohibition of Gambling Business in Ukraine". A similar situation occurs in legislation of the Russian Federation. However, the further development of games and technologies requires an official interpretation of the government for the notion of "Geo-Social Games" and differentiation of this concept with the concepts related to gambling.
The Concept of Geo-Social Games
Geo-Social Games are intellectual and other online
games, which give an unlimited number of people an opportunity to participate
in a game which has been traditionally played by two people. The modern
technological hardware and software system for calculating the collective move
(the move of the majority of participants) makes it possible. The result
depends on whether the player belongs to a winning team or group and his place
in the rating table. The player’s rating is directly proportional to the number
of his individual moves, coincided with the collective moves, and inversely
proportional to the time spent on individual decision-making. The policy of these
games permits prize agreement.
In conducting and promoting Geo-Social Games we adhere
the following principles:
- everyone has the right for free access to Geo-Social Games for self-realization and development of
individual mental abilities;
- Geo-Social Games are held to make leisure activities
more useful and enjoyable, multisided intellectual improvement of the mankind, for encouraging the youth to lead a healthy way of
life, for the prevention of
addictions and antisocial behavior;
- to promote to the development of all kinds and parts
of Geo-Social Games (“Geo-Social Chess”, “Geo-Social Checkers”, “Geo-Social Game
“Minimax”, “Social Quest”, “Social Broadcast”, “Social Architecture”, “Geo-Social
Virtual Football”, “Geo-Social Virtual Boxing”, etc.) which have their
unique, social and educational functions;
- Geo-Social Games and sports are interconnected;
- focus on the organization of national and
international competitions in Geo-Social Games on the territory of Ukraine;
- encouraging participants of Geo-Social Games to
achieve high results in an official national and international
- to bring safety to all people involved in organizing competitions in Geo-Social Games;
- to provide scientific researches in the field of Geo-Social Games due to the fact that it’s a unique platform for various kinds
of sociological discoveries. Scientific research will be promoted at the
national and international levels the aim of which is to make a clear
understanding of issues associated with the content and conduct of Geo-Social Games.
In particular it applies to the rules of Geo-Social Games, improvement,
recording, analysis and prevention of violation;
- national and international promotion of Geo-Social Games
aims the rapprochement between the people, the consolidation of society,
strengthening peace and international cooperation;
- to develop moral and ethical values in Geo-Social Games keeping the rules of a fair game.
Geo-social games are intellectual (chess, checkers,
etc.) and other games using the principle of "collective move",
which may engage an unlimited number of players with a prize fund. The prize
fund is distributed according to the player’s place in the rating table. The
main principle for the formation of the rating table is based on the
coincidence of individual moves with collective ones.
The collective move is the move of the majority of
participants during the game which is recorded and processed by the software -
hardware complex.
"The collective move" is the software and hardware complex worked out for Geo-Social Games which involves the usage of
the "collective move" and formation of the rating table.
The rating table is a table of participants in a game.
The player’s rating is directly proportional to the number of his individual moves coincided with the collective moves, and inversely proportional to the time
spent on individual decision-making.
The rating is the player's place in the rating
table. The prize fund and titles (amateur, master, expert, etc) are
distributed among the players according to their rating.

Copyright of
the Geo-Social Games Project is protected by certificates and patents.
Aspects of Law
Nowadays the legal regulation of activities in the
organization and conduct of Geo-Social Games is missing. It can negatively
affect development and promotion of games in countries where there is a prohibition
on gambling in one form or another. However, the notion of Geo-Social Games is
not included in the definition of gambling. The analysis of Geo-Social Games
allows to refer the conduct of these games to an independent activity to which
the prohibition is not applied. After all, the result of the game does not
depend on a chance, as it is the result of intellectual abilities of a person or a group of players as one entity. Whereas in most countries commonly
accepted interpretation of the definition "gambling" involves the
result of a random number generation (roulette, slot machines,
Thus, Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Prohibition of Gambling business in Ukraine" defines gambling as an
activity which is related to the organization of gambling games, respectively,
and the definition of "gambling" means "any game which requires the player to make a bet through electronic payment system or cash that enables them to receive a prize the result of which depends on chance parcially or completely".
Due to the fact that in Geo-Social Games the result (the final social index) is formed by the social regulation or, in other words, players influence the formation of this result using strategy, psychology and other individual abilities Geo-Social Games are not relevant to the definition of "gambling" and therefore is not subjected to the Law "On Prohibition of Gambling Business in Ukraine". A similar situation occurs in legislation of the Russian Federation. However, the further development of games and technologies requires an official interpretation of the government for the notion of "Geo-Social Games" and differentiation of this concept with the concepts related to gambling.
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