December 19, 2012
Children's tournament devoted to Saint Nicholas Day was organized by the Ukrainian Chess Party

On December 15-16 once again regional children's chess tournament “St. Nicholas at every home” was held at school № 18 in Rovno. Children were divided in 3 age categories (1995-1998, 1999-2003, 2004 years and younger). 132 young players competed from Bereznovskiy, Dubensky, Kostopil, Ostrog, Rovno regions and cities - Rovno, Kuznetsovsk and an urban village - Klesov. At the end of the competition the winners were awarded with diplomas, medals and gifts. In addition, every player received a gift for Saint Nicholas Day.

For the first time the tournament was held under the auspices of the Ukrainian Chess Party. The leader of the Chess Party Vladimir Kovalchuk (Vice President of the Ukrainian Chess Federation, President of Rovno region Chess Federation) awarded talented young chess players.

In the tournament all participants were very pleased with the organization of the event and gifts.

At the closing ceremony Vladimir Kovalchuk said that FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was considered to be Saint Nicholas for all chess players in the world, as thanks to his fruitful activities everyone had an opportunity to play and develop an intellectual kind of sport. As well he added that the main task of the Ukrainian Chess Party was the introduction of chess in general curriculum at school.

The Prize Winners 

Boys born in 2004 and younger:
1. Kalchuk Vitaly (Rovno);
2. Demidyuk Eugene (Kuznetsovsk);
3. Lobanov Daniel (Kuznetsovsk).

Girls born in 2004 and younger:
1. Tulenina Karina (Rovno);
2. Metelyuk Karina (Rovno);
3. Shpak Sofia (Ostrog).

Boys born in 1999-2003:
1. Vitoshko Yuri (Kostopol);
2. Evgeny Oleynik (Kostopol);
3. Maliszewski Maxim (Kostopol).

Girls born in 1999-2003:
1. Tulenina Ilona (Rovno);
2. Alexander Kravets (Kostopol);
3. Gromov Olga (Rovno).

Boys born in 1995-1998:
1. Samosyuk Victor (Kiev);
2. Mihaylus Benjamin (Rovno region,  Obara village);
3. Demyanyuk Andrew (Rovno).

Girls born in 1995-1998:
1. Duka Diana (Kostopol);
2. Kopel Olga (Kostopol);
3. Grabarchuk Anastasia (Rovno region)

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